Third Party Reproduction Consultation and Evaluations

I Provide Counseling, Psychoeducation and Psychological Evaluations for Intended & Recipient Parents, Donor and Gestational Carrier Candidates

Choosing third-party reproduction is a complex journey filled with anticipation and mourning. It involves trusting another with something precious. My aim is to guide you through, ensuring you're informed and supported throughout.​

Psychological Consultations for Intended Parents Utilizing Donor Eggs, Donor Sperm or Donor Embryos

I offer consultations to women and couples who are considering building their family through gamete donations (egg or sperm) or embryo donation. During consultations we will explore complex psychological implications of gamete or embroyo donations including disclosure to the future child, your feelings about conceiving thought donated gametes, and your reproductive history. We will address any concerns that you and your partner might have, how to pick the right donor and I will provide psychoeducation about the process and its psychological implications.

Psychological Consultations for Intended Parent’s Using a Gestational Carrier/Surrogate

Building your family through a gestational carrier might be the best family option for you. Once you decide to go through the process, I will walk along you and provide psychoeducational meeting during which will discuss multiple aspects of this option such as what kind of relationship with gestational carrier are you comfortable with, how many embryos are you wanting to transfer, and many other things. This is often also a requirement of certain fertility clinics or agencies.

Psychological Evaluation and Screenings for:

  • Oocyte Donation (Egg and Sperm donors)

  • Gestational Carriers/Surrogates

  • Embryo Donation

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Psychological Consultations for:

  • Egg, sperm, or embryo donor recipients

  • Recipient parents /Intended parents

  • Singles parents by choice

  • Couples considering third-party reproduction

Gestational Carrier and Surrogate Psychological Evaluations

To ensure the safety and mental well-being of potential gestational carriers, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) guidelines advocate for a comprehensive psychological assessment process. This begins with an initial structured clinical interview, delving into background information including psychosocial and reproductive history, as well as relational dynamics. Consultation with the spouse or partner may also be necessary to address emotional and practical considerations related to various stages of the surrogacy journey, such as the IVF cycle, pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum periods.

Additionally, candidates are required to undergo the Personality Assessment Inventory, a multi-scale test evaluating psychological functioning, personality traits, and potential psychopathology. Following the analysis of data from both the psychological evaluation and completed assessments, a detailed report is compiled.

Gamete (egg, sperm, and embryo) Donor Psychological Evaluation

The ASRM guidelines mandate a psychological consultation and evaluation for all potential gamete or embryo donors. This evaluation involves a clinical interview and psychological assessment aimed at ensuring donor safety and minimizing psychological risks. During the consultation, donors receive comprehensive psychoeducation regarding the donation process, including its psychological and mental health implications, potential medical risks, disclosure of personal information, prospects of future identification or contact, and alignment of their desires with program policies.

The clinical interview covers various aspects such as family history, educational background, psychiatric history, relationships, coping skills, sexual and reproductive history, current stressors, and motivation to donate. This thorough assessment aims to confirm the voluntariness of the donation and mitigate the risk of psychological harm.

Additionally, candidates will undergo the Personality Assessment Inventory, a multi-scale test evaluating psychological functioning, personality traits, and potential psychopathology. Once the data from the psychological evaluation and personality assessments are analyzed, a detailed report is compiled and forwarded to the agency or physician overseeing the donation process.

Gestational Carrier (GC)/Surrogate and Intended Parent Meetings

Gestational carriers and intended parents can significantly benefit from a pre-transfer meeting. This allows for discussions on communication styles, relationship desires, and potential complications. As a therapist, I help facilitate these meetings to address concerns and ensure compatibility, smoothing out potential issues beforehand or helping individuals decide if it's a suitable match.

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