Therapy and Fitness. Walk or Exercise with Your Therapist.

With my background as a psychotherapist, a personal trainer, a pre & postnatal fitness specialist , I can help you exercise safely while in recovery for an eating disorder, throughout pregnancy & postpartum, when struggling to lose weight–all while working seamlessly on your mental health.

Eating Disorders and Exercise

Individuals with eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa often experience complex relationships with exercise. Many may engage in excessive exercise, which can evolve into exercise addiction. In this context, exercise becomes part of a rigid routine and is used as a means to compensate for eating, rather than being enjoyed for its own sake. While some treatment approaches advocate for eliminating all exercise, newer research suggests that this blanket approach may not always be beneficial and can even be harmful for some individuals, as returning to exercise can be daunting and confusing. As a specialist I focus on helping individuals renegotiate their relationship with exercise. Through mindful movement practices that prioritize joy over outcomes or punishment, I aim to foster a healthier and more balanced approach to physical activity.

Walk and Talk Therapy

Not interested in traditional therapy or want to maximize your time? Walk and Talk Therapy is just as it sounds - the client and the therapist are outside walking during therapy (or on a treadmill with inclement weather) instead of sitting inside an office. Research has consistently shown that exercise can significantly decrease anxiety and depression while improving overall mood.  

Pregnancy and Postpartum Exercise + Therapy

During pregnancy and the postpartum period, exercise has been shown to offer extensive benefits, both physically and mentally. Physically, it can ease labor, aid recovery, and strengthen the body for the demands of lifting and caring for a new child. Mentally, it supports self-care, boosts energy levels, helps women reconnect with their bodies, and fosters patience, among other benefits. I help clients have access to both traditional talk therapy and safe exercise programs specifically designed for pregnant and postpartum women. A key aspect of these exercise programs is ensuring that women with Diastasis Recti (abdominal separation) are not at risk of exacerbating their condition and are provided with appropriate exercises to aid in healing.

Exercise for Those Feeling Self Conscious

Feeling self-conscious about exercising in public settings like gyms or parks is a common experience for many people. The fear of being judged by others can be a significant barrier to engaging in physical activity, even though exercise is essential for physical and mental well-being. I help clients develop confidence in their abilities and embrace their unique journey towards fitness. Furthermore, I emphasize the importance of self-compassion and acceptance, encouraging clients to celebrate their progress and achievements. By shifting the focus away from external judgment and towards self-care and empowerment, I empower individuals to reclaim their relationship with exercise and prioritize their health and well-being.

Who Can Benefit From Therapy and Fitness

  • Individuals looking for a holistic approach to mental well-being.

  • Those seeking stress reduction and relaxation through movement.

  • Busy individuals seeking a time-efficient way to prioritize their mental health.

  • Those struggling with eating disorders, yo-yo dieting, over-exercise, and body image issues.

  • Pregnant or new mothers looking for postnatal support* through movement and therapy.

  • Individuals struggling with weight loss.

  • Those who want to exercise, but struggle with feeling self conscious and judged in that pursuit.

*Rachel holds a pre/postnatal performance certification, allowing her to provide tailored assistance in safely reintroducing movement while focusing on mental well-being during this transformative phase.

Benefits of Exercise Combined With Therapy

  • Mind-Body Connection/Mindfulness Boost

  • Natural Stress Relief

  • Time-Efficient Wellness

  • Cultivate Creativity

  • Relaxed Atmosphere

  • Elevate Mood

  • Anxiety Alleviation

  • Release Emotions

  • Physical Health Benefits

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